Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust
Identifying Buildings at Risk • Achieving their Rescue
Keep up to date with the latest news from DHBT by reading our newsletters and blog or by subscribing to our mailing list.

Derbyshire Charitable Trusts Merge
October 07, 2020
Two of the county's oldest heritage Trusts - DHBT (established 1974) and the Peak Park Trust (established 1987) have merged; signalling a new era for DHBT.
The Peak Park Trust (PPT) was formed by Sir Hugh and Lady Sykes of Brookfield Manor, Hathersage, for the purpose of conserving buildings and places at risk. These buildings would then be used for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses in the Park.
PPT helped restore ancient footways over the moorlands to reduce their erosion, whilst improving the experience for walkers. It investigated the nature of deprivation in the Park, which led to the provision of the first computer-based office development in the Hope Valley. This was to be situated in a 'telecottage', so that local people could be trained in new business IT skills.
In 1991 PPT persuaded Blue Circle Industries to grant them a long lease on Eccles House Farm near Hope - a then derelict farm complex dating back to 1814 - which the PPT then restored and converted to business units. Work was completed by 1992 and since that time, Eccles House Farm has been the home to many local business start-ups and developing companies.
In 2019, the PPT trustees felt that the time had come to step back from managing the Trust and approached the DHBT to discuss a possible merger. Given that the two organisations shared similar objectives, the respective trustees readily agreed to the proposal.
The DHBT has now taken on the ownership and management of Eccles House Farm and will continue the work of the PPT in rescuing and reusing historic buildings 'at risk' for the benefit of people in the Peak Park.
Derek Latham (DHBT Chairman) said, 'This merger strengthens the ability of the DHBT to help owners and the community who use our historic assets, throughout Derbyshire and the Peak, now and in perpetuity.'

Wingfield Station Spring Newsletter
March 30, 2020
Due to the postponement of our two Wingfield Station community launch events, we've produced a newsletter to try and keep everyone up to date with progress and information.
Please have a read and feedback any thoughts or questions via the online survey at the bottom of the newsletter.

Wingfield Station - Community Launch Event
February 28, 2020
This event has been postponed due to Covid-19.
We are going to be hosting a second community launch event for our National Lottery Heritage Funded project at Wingfield Station on the 8th April 2020 (7pm South Wingfield Social Club). This is due to the initial event, on the 24th March, reaching maximum capacity with people missing out on tickets.
The public meeting will talk people through the journey to date and the plans for the future. All welcome and free to attend but everyone needs to book a ticket here:

DHBT Getting out and About
February 20, 2020
Please note that our programme has been affected by Covid-19. We'll keep our website up to date when we can announce new dates etc.
This year's DHBT programme of visits is almost booked up with supporters making the most of the rare opportunities to view a range of historic buildings and venues. The May event, in conjunction with Belper North Mill Trust, is a countryside walk looking at the Strutt Farms at Belper. All profits from this walk will go towards Belper North Mill Trust and tickets are available here

Architect Team and Quantity Surveyor Required for Derbyshire Heritage Project
February 20, 2020
Sudbury Gasworks Restoration Trust (SGRT) are looking to appoint a professional design team (lead conservation architect, structural engineer, principal designer and mechanical and electrical consultant) and a quantity surveyor. This is in conjunction with their National Lottery Heritage Fund project, 'Rescuing and Restoring Sudbury Gasworks'. The project will involve capital works to Sudbury Gasworks with a programme of repair, conservation and development works. The deadline for any questions is midnight on the 28th February 2020 and the deadline for submissions is 12 noon on the 13th March 2020.

Wingfield Station Rescued
November 22, 2019
One of the county's top ten most important 'at risk' buildings - Wingfield Station in Derbyshire - has been rescued thanks to Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust (DHBT), Amber Valley Borough Council (AVBC) and The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
AVBC compulsorily purchased the building after more than 30 years of concern over the deteriorating condition of the Station which is in urgent need of repair and conservation.
Now the DHBT is set to take ownership of the buildings from AVBC on December 10th and will carry out essential work to save it for future commercial and community use.
Built in 1840, the Grade II* Wingfield Station and Parcel Shed closed in 1967 and is one of the earliest stations built in England - possibly the world. It is also the last surviving example of railway architect, Francis Thompson's best work on the North Midland Railway.
Francis Thompson was commissioned by Robert Stephenson - son of George Stephenson - to design 24 stations along the Derby to Leeds section of the North Midland Line. Wingfield Station is the only one to survive.
Development funding of £137,000 was awarded to DHBT by The National Lottery Heritage Fund to start the project and an application for a further grant to complete the work is planned.
During the restoration of the nationally significant buildings, DHBT is planning to offer a host of activities such as:
Living History events detailing the story of the Station and the North Midland Railway line
Bursary placements for young people's training in traditional skills
Open days for the public and local community.
The Trust will also be recruiting volunteers to help with the project as well as collecting memories and experiences of those who used to work, or had families who worked, at the Station or on the local railway.
Commenting on the project Peter Milner FRICS, DHBT Trustee Lead said: “We’re very grateful to the work done by Amber Valley Borough Council and for the National Heritage Lottery Fund support. We intend to give the building a new lease of life as well as offering many opportunities for the community and students to get involved. It’s great to know that we are a step closer to taking the building off the Heritage at Risk Register and ensure its survival for years to come.”
Derek Latham, Chair of DHBT said: “Wingfield Station is just one of many heritage buildings at risk in Derbyshire that we want to see saved and restored for the benefit of our communities in perpetuity. We hope the rescue of Wingfield Station will encourage more action to be taken to secure the future of others on the list."
Other funders who have made this project possible include The Pilgrim Trust and The Architectural Heritage Fund.

Project Co-ordinator Vacancy for South Wingfield Station Project
September 21, 2019
We wish to appoint a part-time Project Co-ordinator to manage the project that will see the Grade II* Wingfield Station, South Wingfield, Derbyshire, being repaired and brought back into reuse.
The position is part funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (Heritage Fund) under the Heritage Enterprise Grant Programme and is open to individuals or companies. Other funders include the Architectural Heritage Fund and The Pilgrim Trust.
The Development Phase is expected to run for approximately one year and if the Heritage Fund Round Two application is successful, the Delivery Phase is anticipated to be completed within 18 months.
The former WIngfield Station building is the last surviving example of the railway architect Francis Thompson's best work on the North Midland Railway between Derby and Leeds. Built in 1840, it is a single storey ashlar building in the picturesque Classical stye with overhanging eaves.
In 2012 the Victorian Society declared the building to be a 'maimed beauty deserving better', and included it on its list of the ten most important 'at risk' buildings in the country.

DHBT Seek New Trustee (Learning and Engagement)
May 25, 2019
We are looking for a new trustee to help lead the organisation into its exciting new future!
As we look to broaden our support base and increase people's access to and enjoyment and understanding of their heritage, we are seeking a trustee with particular expertise in community engagement and/or education.
Becoming a trustee will provide a challenging, rewarding and enjoyable opportunity to volunteer with the Trust and play an important role in shaping its future.
If you think you might be able to help us make learning and engagement central to our purpose and can assist us in encouraging, recognising and promoting quality learning opportunities that relate to the historic environment of Derbyshire, please download the role description below.
Please submit an expression of interest if you would like to be considered for this role.

Aqueduct Cottage Fundraiser Exceeds Target
May 23, 2019
A fundraiser to help rescue and restore Aqueduct Cottage has exceeded the original target of £10,000.
As part of helping as many people as possible understand why Lea Wood and the wider Derwent Valley is so special, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust are working to repair and re-purpose Aqueduct Cottage.
They are aiming to make sure the work will remain true to the original façade and we’ll ensure people feel welcomed in so they can learn why the building and its location are so distinct and then go on to discover the magic and beauty of Lea Wood and its wild surroundings.
Aqueduct Cottage is a Grade II listed building situated on the Cromford Canal where it joins the Lea Wood arm and is part of the story of the Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site.
It was built in 1802 as a lengthman and lock-keepers cottage by the industrialist, and one time partner of Richard Arkwright, Peter Nightingale. Its construction, along with the canal lock at the entrance of the Lea Wood arm, was agreed as a part of a settlement to resolve a dispute over the water supply to the developing industries at Lea Bridge and Lea Wharf. Florence Nightingale was known to be friends with the occupants during the time she lived at Lea Hurst, in Holloway, and visited several times. It was abandoned in 1970 and after a spell as a wayfarer’s shelter, has fallen into disrepair, with the collapse of the roof seemingly sealing its fate as a ruin.
Looking to the future, building work needs to start for the cottage by Autumn 2019 and Derbyshire Wildlife Trust have been seeking crowdfunding support.
Over the winter months they can continue to work on the landscaping and outside of the cottage. Finally, the interpretation and inside space will be completed.
Throughout 2020 there are national celebrations being held as part of Florence Nightingale’s bicentenary. The aim is to hold a grand opening of the cottage to coincide with these celebrations but they can only do this if the building work is completed during this summer.
Help the Derbyshire Wildlife Trust and the Friends of Aqueduct Cottage have this wonderful cottage restored and buy a brick to support their work!
The Crowdfunder campaign still has 12 days run. Every donation helps.
To get your brick, and be part of this unique project please go to: or,
call Lisa Witham (during office hours) at Derbyshire Wildlife Trust on 01773 881188 to make a direct donation

Wirksworth's Hidden Historic Treasures
May 17, 2019
DHBT's 2019 programme of walks and visits kicked off on Sunday 12th May with a tour of Hopkinson's House and historic Wirksworth.
Tour leader, Barry Joyce MBE (a leading player in the town's regeneration project of the 1980s) led a maximum capacity group up and down the steep climbs, jittys and in between cottages to reveal some of the highlights of this fascinating town, which grew up as a result of lead miners building houses for themselves.
Find out more about what DHBT have in store for the rest of 2019 and book your tickets visit our Eventbrite page.
To find out more about what happened on the Wirksworth walk, take a look here.

Walk to Save Derbyshire's Heritage
April 29, 2019
Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust is encouraging people to don their walking boots to discover some of the county's historic hidden treasures.
Bookings are now open for people to sign up and take part in a series of guided walks and visits throughout the spring and summer of 2019. The six specially-selected events have been organised by the Trust and include: a rare opportunity to see inside The Mansion in Church Street, Ashbourne; a guided tour of the Cromford Canal together with Aqueduct Cottage in Cromford; and a unique opportunity to see inside a Georgian cotton mill in the spectacular gorge that curves under the town of New Mills.
The walking events kick off on Sunday 12th May 2019 with a stroll around Wirksworth's historic town centre, which has been the home of the DHBT since 1985. The walk will begin at 14:00 hours in the town's Market Place.
The full programme of walks and visits includes:
- Wirksworth town centre on Sunday 12th May 2019
- The Mansion, Church Street, Ashbourne, on Sunday 16th June 2019
- Cromford Canal and Aqueduct Cottage in Cromford on Sunday 21st July 2019
- Tor Vale Mill and New Mills Millennium Walkway on Sunday 18th August 2019
- Spital Chapel and Cemetery in Chesterfield on Sunday 8th September 2019; and
- Darley Abbey Mills and village on Tuesday 8th October 2019.
Each walk is limited to 20 people, so early booking is recommended.
For more information and booking please click here

Field Barn
February 09, 2019
The Bonsall Field Barn Project, work so far. Incredible before and after photographs of the restoration and repair of the many field barns in the White Peak.
The Derbyshire Historic Buildings Trust is supporting the project, and together both Trusts plan to create a stratgedy for their future survival.
From 10am to 4pm

A Christmas Carol at Hopkinson's House
December 19, 2018
A Dickensian Christmas at DHBT, with a two man show, Mulled wine, mince pies, lanterns and Christmas decoration. Open to the public. Proceeds to go towards the costs of insulating the roof.
Tickets are £12.00, and you can reserve them by emailing
Doors Open at 7pm. Hopkinson's House, 1-3 Greenhill, Wirksworth DE4 4EN

A Christmas Carol at Hopkinson's House
December 20, 2018
A Dickensian Christmas at DHBT, with a two man show, Mulled wine, mince pies, lanterns and Christmas decoration. Open to the public. Proceeds to go towards the costs of insulating the roof.
Tickets are £12.00, and you can reserve them by emailing
Doors Open at 7pm. Hopkinson's House, 1-3 Greenhill, Wirksworth DE4 4EN

We Made the Front Page
April 29, 2016
News of our HLF funded project made it on to the front page of one of our local newspapers and the story continued on two pages inside. Read the article here.